There's no specific age in which you become a goth. I can say that most begin the "transformation" during their teenage years, when you realise that there are other styles that the "regular" one around and you start your own exploration of the world and dare unobey your parents rules. Some realise they have been goth even before they started dressing like one, maybe because they were already into the music, or had already certain tastes for things that goths are known to be fond of like vampires, old things, fairies, black and white movies just to say some. Surely no one is born goth!
(adorable little goth!
picture taken from
Once I knew a so self proclaimed goth that told me she was born goth because since she came out of her mother's womb she had black hair and very white skin and blue eyes ..I never laughed harder because it was like she was stating that being a goth is only about having those physical characteristic. Infact she was then revealed to be a poser and became a techno girl.
So the real gothification begins in the teenage years, but only the true goths survive that period. It's after that period that you realise who's truly a goth and who's not.
I was once asked, will you ever stop being a goth?
No, I won't. Being goth is not only the music or the clothing. It's also a way of living my life, I really see the world with other eyes. I find beautiful things that other people consider ugly or just creepy. How can i ever change this?
The right question maybe would have been, will ever stop dressing goth?
In this case my answer will be "probably yes". Not because I want to, but because it's society that will impose me to do so. I can't dress gothic at work, and I can't risk to lose or not getting a job because of my gothic clothes. But if I am lucky to find a job that doesn't really care about how I dress, then yes I will keep dressing gothic and proudly! :)
So, being a goth has no age. You can be 12 as well as 50!
If you want some advice on how to dress when you are older, I suggest you read and follow VictorianKitty's adorable blog SophistiqueNoir - dark fashion for the mature.
So, if goth is born with black hair and white skin, then I was apparently born as skinhead, because till I was 3, i was hairless :D Heh. :D
I was a strange kid from my early age, always a loner, with a secret love for odd things, but I never said, I was born goth. It just sounds somehow stupid. :D
@Chloe: LOL !! :D
what the cuuuute girl *w* I want a goth daughter for meeeeee = But later! I'm just 18 O.o =
@Nanna: eheh I want to have a daughter like her too :) Like mother like daughter! xD
Aww, thanks for mentioning my blog! And I must say, you don't necessarily have to stop dressing Goth to get or keep a job. Even if the job is at a conservative place, these days you can at least have some unique flair in your look. In fact, you just inspired me to write a blog article on that topic. :) Thank you!! :-D
You are welcome VictorianKitty :)I'm looking forward to read you post about this topic! :D I already find your blog really helpful :)
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